Yesterday: 6.2 magnitude earthquake near Pangai, Ha‘apai, Tonga
Yesterday: 7.0 magnitude earthquake near Pangai, Ha‘apai, Tonga
Biggest Earthquakes Near South Of Alaska
South Of Alaska has had: (M1.5 or greater)
- 0 earthquakes in the past 24 hours
- 3 earthquakes in the past 7 days
- 42 earthquakes in the past 30 days
- 461 earthquakes in the past 365 days
The largest earthquake in South Of Alaska:
this week: 2.2 in Unimak Island, Alaska
Akutan, Alaska, United States
8.6 magnitude earthquake
1946-04-01 12:29:01 UTC
at 12:29
April 01, 1946 UTC
Epicenter at 53.492, -162.832
206.2 km from
(128.2 miles)
Depth: 15 km
Sand Point, Alaska, United States
8.3 magnitude earthquake
1938-11-10 20:18:49 UTC
at 20:18
November 10, 1938 UTC
Epicenter at 55.178, -158.181
148.2 km from
Sand Point
(92.2 miles)
Depth: 35 km
Sand Point, Alaska, United States
8.2 magnitude earthquake
2021-07-29 06:15:47 UTC
at 06:15
July 29, 2021 UTC
Epicenter at 55.325, -157.841
168.2 km from
Sand Point
(104.2 miles)
Depth: 32 km
Sand Point, Alaska, United States
7.8 magnitude earthquake
2020-07-22 06:12:44 UTC
at 06:12
July 22, 2020 UTC
Epicenter at 55.03, -158.522
131.2 km from
Sand Point
(81.2 miles)
Depth: 28 km
Sand Point, Alaska, United States
7.6 magnitude earthquake
2020-10-19 20:54:39 UTC
at 20:54
October 19, 2020 UTC
Epicenter at 54.617, -159.635
91.2 km from
Sand Point
(57.2 miles)
Depth: 35 km
Sand Point, Alaska, United States
7.2 magnitude earthquake
2023-07-16 06:48:22 UTC
at 06:48
July 16, 2023 UTC
Epicenter at 54.46, -160.76
106.2 km from
Sand Point
(66.2 miles)
Depth: 32 km
Sand Point, Alaska, United States
7.1 magnitude earthquake
1989-09-04 13:14:58 UTC
at 13:14
September 04, 1989 UTC
Epicenter at 55.543, -156.835
233.2 km from
Sand Point
(144.2 miles)
Depth: 11 km
Sand Point, Alaska, United States
7.1 magnitude earthquake
1948-05-14 22:31:49 UTC
at 22:31
May 14, 1948 UTC
Epicenter at 54.61, -161.19
92.2 km from
Sand Point
(57.2 miles)
Depth: 25 km
Sand Point, Alaska, United States
7.0 magnitude earthquake
1991-05-30 13:17:41 UTC
at 13:17
May 30, 1991 UTC
Epicenter at 54.567, -161.606
111.2 km from
Sand Point
(69.2 miles)
Depth: 28 km
Kodiak Station, Alaska, United States
7.0 magnitude earthquake
1957-04-10 11:30:03 UTC
at 11:30
April 10, 1957 UTC
Epicenter at 55.869, -153.964
227.2 km from
Kodiak Station
(141.2 miles)
Depth: 15 km
Sand Point, Alaska, United States
7.0 magnitude earthquake
1923-05-04 16:26:48 UTC
at 16:26
May 04, 1923 UTC
Epicenter at 55.828, -156.832
237.2 km from
Sand Point
(147.2 miles)
Depth: 25 km
Sand Point, Alaska, United States
6.9 magnitude earthquake
2021-08-14 11:57:43 UTC
at 11:57
August 14, 2021 UTC
Epicenter at 55.223, -157.689
179.2 km from
Sand Point
(111.2 miles)
Depth: 21 km
Sand Point, Alaska, United States
6.9 magnitude earthquake
1993-05-13 11:59:49 UTC
at 11:59
May 13, 1993 UTC
Epicenter at 55.177, -160.458
17.2 km from
Sand Point
(11.2 miles)
Depth: 32 km
Sand Point, Alaska, United States
6.9 magnitude earthquake
1964-02-06 13:07:27 UTC
at 13:07
February 06, 1964 UTC
Epicenter at 55.703, -155.853
296.2 km from
Sand Point
(184.2 miles)
Depth: 20 km
Sand Point, Alaska, United States
6.9 magnitude earthquake
1951-02-13 22:13:00 UTC
at 22:13
February 13, 1951 UTC
Epicenter at 55.802, -156.28
271.2 km from
Sand Point
(168.2 miles)
Depth: 20 km
Sand Point, Alaska, United States
6.9 magnitude earthquake
1938-11-17 03:54:41 UTC
at 03:54
November 17, 1938 UTC
Epicenter at 55.36, -157.761
173.2 km from
Sand Point
(107.2 miles)
Depth: 35 km
Sand Point, Alaska, United States
6.7 magnitude earthquake
1979-02-13 05:34:25 UTC
at 05:34
February 13, 1979 UTC
Epicenter at 55.453, -157.162
211.2 km from
Sand Point
(131.2 miles)
Depth: 33 km
Sand Point, Alaska, United States
6.7 magnitude earthquake
1934-07-28 21:37:02 UTC
at 21:37
July 28, 1934 UTC
Epicenter at 55.67, -156.699
242.2 km from
Sand Point
(150.2 miles)
Depth: 20 km
Akutan, Alaska, United States
6.6 magnitude earthquake
2003-02-19 03:32:36 UTC
at 03:32
February 19, 2003 UTC
Epicenter at 53.645, -164.643
92.2 km from
(57.2 miles)
Depth: 19 km
Sand Point, Alaska, United States
6.6 magnitude earthquake
1985-10-09 09:33:32 UTC
at 09:33
October 09, 1985 UTC
Epicenter at 54.765, -159.613
85.2 km from
Sand Point
(52.2 miles)
Depth: 30 km
Sand Point, Alaska, United States
6.6 magnitude earthquake
1963-01-28 13:00:53 UTC
at 13:00
January 28, 1963 UTC
Epicenter at 54.578, -161.561
108.2 km from
Sand Point
(67.2 miles)
Depth: 35 km
Sand Point, Alaska, United States
6.6 magnitude earthquake
1938-11-11 00:57:48 UTC
at 00:57
November 11, 1938 UTC
Epicenter at 55.017, -158.688
120.2 km from
Sand Point
(75.2 miles)
Depth: 35 km
Sand Point, Alaska, United States
6.6 magnitude earthquake
1937-04-29 18:52:41 UTC
at 18:52
April 29, 1937 UTC
Epicenter at 54.649, -161.761
111.2 km from
Sand Point
(69.2 miles)
Depth: 35 km
Sand Point, Alaska, United States
6.6 magnitude earthquake
1932-10-16 12:08:06 UTC
at 12:08
October 16, 1932 UTC
Epicenter at 54.852, -159.594
79.2 km from
Sand Point
(49.2 miles)
Depth: 25 km
Sand Point, Alaska, United States
6.6 magnitude earthquake
1922-07-02 13:36:05 UTC
at 13:36
July 02, 1922 UTC
Epicenter at 54.808, -161.21
74.2 km from
Sand Point
(46.2 miles)
Depth: 35 km
Akutan, Alaska, United States
6.5 magnitude earthquake
1993-11-19 01:43:23 UTC
at 01:43
November 19, 1993 UTC
Epicenter at 54.287, -164.164
106.2 km from
(66.2 miles)
Depth: 30 km
Sand Point, Alaska, United States
6.5 magnitude earthquake
1987-06-21 05:46:10 UTC
at 05:46
June 21, 1987 UTC
Epicenter at 54.211, -162.601
184.2 km from
Sand Point
(114.2 miles)
Depth: 33 km
Sand Point, Alaska, United States
6.5 magnitude earthquake
1983-02-14 03:20:04 UTC
at 03:20
February 14, 1983 UTC
Epicenter at 54.931, -159.189
94.2 km from
Sand Point
(59.2 miles)
Depth: 47 km
Akutan, Alaska, United States
6.5 magnitude earthquake
1974-02-06 04:04:07 UTC
at 04:04
February 06, 1974 UTC
Epicenter at 53.799, -164.672
81.2 km from
(50.2 miles)
Depth: 2 km
Sand Point, Alaska, United States
6.5 magnitude earthquake
1967-07-01 23:10:08 UTC
at 23:10
July 01, 1967 UTC
Epicenter at 54.358, -158.087
189.2 km from
Sand Point
(117.2 miles)
Depth: 27 km