Today: 6.4 magnitude earthquake near Sagaing, Sagain, Myanmar
Today: 7.7 magnitude earthquake near Sagaing, Sagain, Myanmar
Biggest Earthquakes Near Bristol Bay
Bristol Bay has had: (M1.5 or greater)
- 0 earthquakes in the past 24 hours
- 2 earthquakes in the past 7 days
- 6 earthquakes in the past 30 days
- 39 earthquakes in the past 365 days
The largest earthquake in Bristol Bay:
this week: 2.3 in Bristol Bay
Sand Point, Alaska, United States
5.8 magnitude earthquake
2000-01-20 06:13:02 UTC
at 06:13
January 20, 2000 UTC
Epicenter at 56.618, -161.869
166.2 km from
Sand Point
(103.2 miles)
Depth: 220 km
Sand Point, Alaska, United States
5.7 magnitude earthquake
1968-06-10 12:41:07 UTC
at 12:41
June 10, 1968 UTC
Epicenter at 56.28, -161.493
122.2 km from
Sand Point
(75.2 miles)
Depth: 186 km
Sand Point, Alaska, United States
5.6 magnitude earthquake
2000-12-22 00:40:36 UTC
at 00:40
December 22, 2000 UTC
Epicenter at 56.82, -158.341
212.2 km from
Sand Point
(132.2 miles)
Depth: 105 km
Sand Point, Alaska, United States
5.3 magnitude earthquake
2022-04-22 05:27:35 UTC
at 05:27
April 22, 2022 UTC
Epicenter at 56.284, -161.648
127.2 km from
Sand Point
(79.2 miles)
Depth: 206 km
Sand Point, Alaska, United States
5.3 magnitude earthquake
2016-06-29 08:37:22 UTC
at 08:37
June 29, 2016 UTC
Epicenter at 56.348, -161.777
138.2 km from
Sand Point
(85.2 miles)
Depth: 189 km
Sand Point, Alaska, United States
5.0 magnitude earthquake
2007-10-16 10:18:02 UTC
at 10:18
October 16, 2007 UTC
Epicenter at 56.131, -162.144
136.2 km from
Sand Point
(84.2 miles)
Depth: 191 km
Sand Point, Alaska, United States
5.0 magnitude earthquake
2007-07-15 17:01:48 UTC
at 17:01
July 15, 2007 UTC
Epicenter at 56.074, -161.815
116.2 km from
Sand Point
(72.2 miles)
Depth: 10 km
Sand Point, Alaska, United States
5.0 magnitude earthquake
1983-12-26 19:39:23 UTC
at 19:39
December 26, 1983 UTC
Epicenter at 56.167, -160.985
97.2 km from
Sand Point
(60.2 miles)
Depth: 144 km
Sand Point, Alaska, United States
5.0 magnitude earthquake
1979-05-30 19:20:27 UTC
at 19:20
May 30, 1979 UTC
Epicenter at 56.398, -161.723
140.2 km from
Sand Point
(87.2 miles)
Depth: 206 km
Sand Point, Alaska, United States
4.9 magnitude earthquake
2009-02-18 06:57:45 UTC
at 06:57
February 18, 2009 UTC
Epicenter at 56.009, -162.503
146.2 km from
Sand Point
(91.2 miles)
Depth: 165 km
Sand Point, Alaska, United States
4.9 magnitude earthquake
1978-03-02 14:41:40 UTC
at 14:41
March 02, 1978 UTC
Epicenter at 56.388, -158.282
181.2 km from
Sand Point
(112.2 miles)
Depth: 88 km
Sand Point, Alaska, United States
4.8 magnitude earthquake
2016-03-06 13:19:09 UTC
at 13:19
March 06, 2016 UTC
Epicenter at 56.287, -162.017
142.2 km from
Sand Point
(88.2 miles)
Depth: 199 km
Sand Point, Alaska, United States
4.7 magnitude earthquake
1999-06-10 09:08:13 UTC
at 09:08
June 10, 1999 UTC
Epicenter at 56.137, -161.609
113.2 km from
Sand Point
(70.2 miles)
Depth: 172 km
Sand Point, Alaska, United States
4.7 magnitude earthquake
1993-09-03 12:01:11 UTC
at 12:01
September 03, 1993 UTC
Epicenter at 56.125, -158.172
170.2 km from
Sand Point
(105.2 miles)
Depth: 60 km
Sand Point, Alaska, United States
4.7 magnitude earthquake
1977-10-24 07:09:41 UTC
at 07:09
October 24, 1977 UTC
Epicenter at 56.528, -161.715
152.2 km from
Sand Point
(94.2 miles)
Depth: 198 km
Sand Point, Alaska, United States
4.6 magnitude earthquake
2018-02-25 20:55:14 UTC
at 20:55
February 25, 2018 UTC
Epicenter at 56.056, -161.975
122.2 km from
Sand Point
(76.2 miles)
Depth: 190 km
Sand Point, Alaska, United States
4.6 magnitude earthquake
2004-09-19 10:44:10 UTC
at 10:44
September 19, 2004 UTC
Epicenter at 56.432, -162.313
166.2 km from
Sand Point
(103.2 miles)
Depth: 196 km
Sand Point, Alaska, United States
4.6 magnitude earthquake
1997-02-23 00:23:34 UTC
at 00:23
February 23, 1997 UTC
Epicenter at 56.703, -158.609
192.2 km from
Sand Point
(119.2 miles)
Depth: 95 km
Sand Point, Alaska, United States
4.6 magnitude earthquake
1987-03-24 17:04:15 UTC
at 17:04
March 24, 1987 UTC
Epicenter at 56.245, -161.243
111.2 km from
Sand Point
(69.2 miles)
Depth: 162 km
Sand Point, Alaska, United States
4.6 magnitude earthquake
1978-11-18 17:11:53 UTC
at 17:11
November 18, 1978 UTC
Epicenter at 56.117, -161.552
109.2 km from
Sand Point
(67.2 miles)
Depth: 182 km
Sand Point, Alaska, United States
4.5 magnitude earthquake
2019-03-26 23:33:16 UTC
at 23:33
March 26, 2019 UTC
Epicenter at 56.057, -161.973
122.2 km from
Sand Point
(76.2 miles)
Depth: 171 km
Sand Point, Alaska, United States
4.5 magnitude earthquake
2007-03-30 09:53:39 UTC
at 09:53
March 30, 2007 UTC
Epicenter at 56.514, -162.119
165.2 km from
Sand Point
(102.2 miles)
Depth: 215 km
Sand Point, Alaska, United States
4.5 magnitude earthquake
2006-04-28 09:00:14 UTC
at 09:00
April 28, 2006 UTC
Epicenter at 56.741, -159.635
165.2 km from
Sand Point
(102.2 miles)
Depth: 145 km
Sand Point, Alaska, United States
4.5 magnitude earthquake
1996-12-11 09:28:26 UTC
at 09:28
December 11, 1996 UTC
Epicenter at 56.659, -159.056
172.2 km from
Sand Point
(107.2 miles)
Depth: 33 km
Sand Point, Alaska, United States
4.4 magnitude earthquake
2014-11-20 01:08:39 UTC
at 01:08
November 20, 2014 UTC
Epicenter at 56.01, -161.566
100.2 km from
Sand Point
(62.2 miles)
Depth: 215 km
Sand Point, Alaska, United States
4.4 magnitude earthquake
2006-01-21 11:20:43 UTC
at 11:20
January 21, 2006 UTC
Epicenter at 56.103, -161.558
108.2 km from
Sand Point
(67.2 miles)
Depth: 173 km
Sand Point, Alaska, United States
4.4 magnitude earthquake
1986-06-14 03:26:52 UTC
at 03:26
June 14, 1986 UTC
Epicenter at 56.388, -161.916
146.2 km from
Sand Point
(91.2 miles)
Depth: 189 km
Bristol Bay
4.4 magnitude earthquake
1973-11-07 11:30:16 UTC
at 11:30
November 07, 1973 UTC
Epicenter at 56.837, -158.659
Depth: 103 km
Sand Point, Alaska, United States
4.3 magnitude earthquake
2020-11-30 00:57:33 UTC
at 00:57
November 30, 2020 UTC
Epicenter at 56.039, -160.696
79.2 km from
Sand Point
(49.2 miles)
Depth: 152 km
Sand Point, Alaska, United States
4.3 magnitude earthquake
2017-05-19 00:33:00 UTC
at 00:33
May 19, 2017 UTC
Epicenter at 56.277, -161.801
131.2 km from
Sand Point
(81.2 miles)
Depth: 200 km