Yesterday: 6.2 magnitude earthquake near Pangai, Ha‘apai, Tonga
Yesterday: 7.0 magnitude earthquake near Pangai, Ha‘apai, Tonga
Recent Earthquakes Near Dillingham, Alaska, United States
Dillingham has had: (M1.5 or greater)
- 0 earthquakes in the past 24 hours
- 0 earthquakes in the past 7 days
- 1 earthquake in the past 30 days
- 10 earthquakes in the past 365 days
The largest earthquake in Dillingham:
this month: 3.5 in Alaska Peninsula
Sand Point, Alaska, United States
6.9 magnitude earthquake
2021-10-11 09:10:24 UTC
at 09:10
October 11, 2021 UTC
Epicenter at 56.258, -156.553
271.2 km from
Sand Point
(168.2 miles)
Depth: 69 km
Sand Point, Alaska, United States
8.2 magnitude earthquake
2021-07-29 06:15:47 UTC
at 06:15
July 29, 2021 UTC
Epicenter at 55.325, -157.841
168.2 km from
Sand Point
(104.2 miles)
Depth: 32 km
Sand Point, Alaska, United States
7.6 magnitude earthquake
2020-10-19 20:54:39 UTC
at 20:54
October 19, 2020 UTC
Epicenter at 54.617, -159.635
91.2 km from
Sand Point
(57.2 miles)
Depth: 35 km
Sand Point, Alaska, United States
7.8 magnitude earthquake
2020-07-22 06:12:44 UTC
at 06:12
July 22, 2020 UTC
Epicenter at 55.03, -158.522
131.2 km from
Sand Point
(81.2 miles)
Depth: 28 km
Kodiak, Alaska, United States
7.9 magnitude earthquake
2018-01-23 09:31:42 UTC
at 09:31
January 23, 2018 UTC
Epicenter at 56.046, -149.073
278.2 km from
(173.2 miles)
Depth: 25 km
Dillingham, Alaska, United States
6.2 magnitude earthquake
2016-04-02 05:50:00 UTC
at 05:50
April 02, 2016 UTC
Epicenter at 57.026, -157.897
226.2 km from
(140.2 miles)
Depth: 17 km
Anchor Point, Alaska, United States
7.1 magnitude earthquake
2016-01-24 10:30:30 UTC
at 10:30
January 24, 2016 UTC
Epicenter at 59.659, -153.452
92.2 km from
Anchor Point
(57.2 miles)
Depth: 127 km
Anchor Point, Alaska, United States
6.3 magnitude earthquake
2015-07-29 02:35:59 UTC
at 02:35
July 29, 2015 UTC
Epicenter at 59.894, -153.196
77.2 km from
Anchor Point
(48.2 miles)
Depth: 119 km
Kodiak Station, Alaska, United States
6.7 magnitude earthquake
2015-05-29 07:00:09 UTC
at 07:00
May 29, 2015 UTC
Epicenter at 56.594, -156.43
265.2 km from
Kodiak Station
(165.2 miles)
Depth: 72 km
Kodiak Station, Alaska, United States
6.0 magnitude earthquake
2005-04-09 15:16:27 UTC
at 15:16
April 09, 2005 UTC
Epicenter at 56.168, -154.524
212.2 km from
Kodiak Station
(132.2 miles)
Depth: 14 km
Healy, Alaska, United States
7.9 magnitude earthquake
2002-11-03 22:12:41 UTC
at 22:12
November 03, 2002 UTC
Epicenter at 63.517, -147.444
84.2 km from
(52.2 miles)
Depth: 4 km
Dillingham, Alaska, United States
6.8 magnitude earthquake
2001-07-28 07:32:43 UTC
at 07:32
July 28, 2001 UTC
Epicenter at 59.025, -155.116
191.2 km from
(119.2 miles)
Depth: 131 km
Kodiak Station, Alaska, United States
7.0 magnitude earthquake
2001-01-10 16:02:44 UTC
at 16:02
January 10, 2001 UTC
Epicenter at 57.078, -153.211
84.2 km from
Kodiak Station
(52.2 miles)
Depth: 33 km
Kodiak Station, Alaska, United States
6.6 magnitude earthquake
2000-07-11 01:32:28 UTC
at 01:32
July 11, 2000 UTC
Epicenter at 57.369, -154.206
105.2 km from
Kodiak Station
(65.2 miles)
Depth: 43 km
Kodiak Station, Alaska, United States
6.4 magnitude earthquake
1999-12-07 00:19:49 UTC
at 00:19
December 07, 1999 UTC
Epicenter at 57.362, -154.514
123.2 km from
Kodiak Station
(76.2 miles)
Depth: 40 km
Kodiak Station, Alaska, United States
7.0 magnitude earthquake
1999-12-06 23:12:33 UTC
at 23:12
December 06, 1999 UTC
Epicenter at 57.413, -154.489
119.2 km from
Kodiak Station
(74.2 miles)
Depth: 66 km
Cohoe, Alaska, United States
6.2 magnitude earthquake
1998-07-09 19:39:43 UTC
at 19:39
July 09, 1998 UTC
Epicenter at 60.53, -153.219
106.2 km from
(66.2 miles)
Depth: 144 km
Kodiak Station, Alaska, United States
6.1 magnitude earthquake
1990-05-29 18:31:12 UTC
at 18:31
May 29, 1990 UTC
Epicenter at 56.956, -153.569
107.2 km from
Kodiak Station
(66.2 miles)
Depth: 24 km
Dillingham, Alaska, United States
6.6 magnitude earthquake
1990-05-01 16:12:21 UTC
at 16:12
May 01, 1990 UTC
Epicenter at 58.84, -156.858
94.2 km from
(58.2 miles)
Depth: 211 km
Cordova, Alaska, United States
7.8 magnitude earthquake
1988-03-06 22:35:38 UTC
at 22:35
March 06, 1988 UTC
Epicenter at 56.953, -143.032
429.2 km from
(267.2 miles)
Depth: 10 km