Biggest Earthquakes Near Rat Islands, Aleutian Islands
Rat Islands, Aleutian Islands has had: (M1.5 or greater)
- 0 earthquakes in the past 24 hours
- 3 earthquakes in the past 7 days
- 8 earthquakes in the past 30 days
- 134 earthquakes in the past 365 days
The largest earthquake in Rat Islands, Aleutian Islands:
this week: 3.9 in Rat Islands, Aleutian Islands
this month: 4.4 in Rat Islands, Aleutian Islands
this year: 5.8 in Rat Islands, Aleutian Islands
Rat Islands, Aleutian Islands
8.7 magnitude earthquake
1965-02-04 05:01:22 UTC
at 05:01
February 04, 1965 UTC
Epicenter at 51.251, 178.715
Depth: 30 km
Rat Islands, Aleutian Islands
8.3 magnitude earthquake
1906-08-17 00:11:10 UTC
at 00:11
August 17, 1906 UTC
Epicenter at 51.853, 178.18
Depth: 110 km
Rat Islands, Aleutian Islands
7.9 magnitude earthquake
2014-06-23 20:53:09 UTC
at 20:53
June 23, 2014 UTC
Epicenter at 51.849, 178.735
Depth: 109 km
Rat Islands, Aleutian Islands
7.8 magnitude earthquake
2003-11-17 06:43:06 UTC
at 06:43
November 17, 2003 UTC
Epicenter at 51.146, 178.65
Depth: 33 km
Rat Islands, Aleutian Islands
7.6 magnitude earthquake
1965-03-30 02:27:06 UTC
at 02:27
March 30, 1965 UTC
Epicenter at 50.282, 177.959
Depth: 20 km
Rat Islands, Aleutian Islands
7.3 magnitude earthquake
1965-02-04 08:40:44 UTC
at 08:40
February 04, 1965 UTC
Epicenter at 51.443, 179.605
Depth: 30 km
Rat Islands, Aleutian Islands
7.1 magnitude earthquake
2003-03-17 16:36:17 UTC
at 16:36
March 17, 2003 UTC
Epicenter at 51.272, 177.978
Depth: 33 km
Rat Islands, Aleutian Islands
7.0 magnitude earthquake
1981-01-30 08:52:44 UTC
at 08:52
January 30, 1981 UTC
Epicenter at 51.744, 176.274
Depth: 33 km
Rat Islands, Aleutian Islands
7.0 magnitude earthquake
1916-02-06 21:51:33 UTC
at 21:51
February 06, 1916 UTC
Epicenter at 50.459, 179.051
Depth: 15 km
Rat Islands, Aleutian Islands
6.9 magnitude earthquake
2003-06-23 12:12:34 UTC
at 12:12
June 23, 2003 UTC
Epicenter at 51.439, 176.783
Depth: 20 km
Rat Islands, Aleutian Islands
6.8 magnitude earthquake
2005-06-14 17:10:12 UTC
at 17:10
June 14, 2005 UTC
Epicenter at 51.239, 179.314
Depth: 17 km
Rat Islands, Aleutian Islands
6.8 magnitude earthquake
1996-03-22 03:24:20 UTC
at 03:24
March 22, 1996 UTC
Epicenter at 51.221, 178.695
Depth: 20 km
Rat Islands, Aleutian Islands
6.8 magnitude earthquake
1971-06-11 13:58:39 UTC
at 13:58
June 11, 1971 UTC
Epicenter at 51.595, 175.868
Depth: 25 km
Rat Islands, Aleutian Islands
6.8 magnitude earthquake
1966-07-04 18:33:40 UTC
at 18:33
July 04, 1966 UTC
Epicenter at 51.826, 179.778
Depth: 15 km
Rat Islands, Aleutian Islands
6.7 magnitude earthquake
1997-03-26 02:08:57 UTC
at 02:08
March 26, 1997 UTC
Epicenter at 51.277, 179.533
Depth: 33 km
Rat Islands, Aleutian Islands
6.6 magnitude earthquake
2017-10-08 22:34:33 UTC
at 22:34
October 08, 2017 UTC
Epicenter at 52.45, 176.808
Depth: 111 km
Rat Islands, Aleutian Islands
6.6 magnitude earthquake
2002-11-07 15:14:06 UTC
at 15:14
November 07, 2002 UTC
Epicenter at 51.197, 179.334
Depth: 33 km
Rat Islands, Aleutian Islands
6.6 magnitude earthquake
1997-12-17 04:38:51 UTC
at 04:38
December 17, 1997 UTC
Epicenter at 51.187, 178.871
Depth: 20 km
Rat Islands, Aleutian Islands
6.6 magnitude earthquake
1977-09-04 17:24:42 UTC
at 17:24
September 04, 1977 UTC
Epicenter at 51.144, 177.954
Depth: 8 km
Rat Islands, Aleutian Islands
6.6 magnitude earthquake
1958-10-29 07:44:16 UTC
at 07:44
October 29, 1958 UTC
Epicenter at 51.353, 179.357
Depth: 30 km
Rat Islands, Aleutian Islands
6.6 magnitude earthquake
1930-04-26 16:18:18 UTC
at 16:18
April 26, 1930 UTC
Epicenter at 51.459, 179.52
Depth: 35 km
Rat Islands, Aleutian Islands
6.6 magnitude earthquake
1924-09-14 13:13:12 UTC
at 13:13
September 14, 1924 UTC
Epicenter at 51.383, 178.178
Depth: 25 km
Rat Islands, Aleutian Islands
6.5 magnitude earthquake
2006-06-14 04:18:42 UTC
at 04:18
June 14, 2006 UTC
Epicenter at 51.752, 177.082
Depth: 14 km
Rat Islands, Aleutian Islands
6.5 magnitude earthquake
2003-06-15 19:24:33 UTC
at 19:24
June 15, 2003 UTC
Epicenter at 51.552, 176.923
Depth: 20 km
Rat Islands, Aleutian Islands
6.5 magnitude earthquake
1995-04-23 02:55:55 UTC
at 02:55
April 23, 1995 UTC
Epicenter at 51.334, 179.714
Depth: 16 km
Rat Islands, Aleutian Islands
6.5 magnitude earthquake
1961-12-30 00:39:26 UTC
at 00:39
December 30, 1961 UTC
Epicenter at 52.083, 177.83
Depth: 15 km
Rat Islands, Aleutian Islands
6.5 magnitude earthquake
1960-08-04 07:34:51 UTC
at 07:34
August 04, 1960 UTC
Epicenter at 51.363, 178.883
Depth: 18 km
Rat Islands, Aleutian Islands
6.5 magnitude earthquake
1956-10-19 20:47:37 UTC
at 20:47
October 19, 1956 UTC
Epicenter at 52.123, 177.571
Depth: 25 km
Rat Islands, Aleutian Islands
6.4 magnitude earthquake
2019-04-02 21:35:30 UTC
at 21:35
April 02, 2019 UTC
Epicenter at 52.155, 178.071
Depth: 6 km
Rat Islands, Aleutian Islands
6.4 magnitude earthquake
1991-01-23 01:12:29 UTC
at 01:12
January 23, 1991 UTC
Epicenter at 51.965, 178.838
Depth: 108 km
Places Near Rat Islands, Aleutian Islands
- Near Islands, Aleutian Islands
- Andreanof Islands, Aleutian Island
- Komandorskiye Ostrova
- Fox Islands, Aleutian Islands
- Bering Sea
- Pribilof Islands, Alaska
- Near E Coast Of Koryakia, Russia
- East Coast Of Kamchatka
- Near East Coast Of Kamchatka
- South Of Aleutian Islands
- Unimak Island, Alaska
- Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia