Today: 6.7 magnitude earthquake near Sagaing, Sagain, Myanmar
Today: 7.7 magnitude earthquake near Sagaing, Sagain, Myanmar
Recent Earthquakes Near Drake Passage
Drake Passage has had: (M1.5 or greater)
- 0 earthquakes in the past 24 hours
- 1 earthquake in the past 30 days
- 3 earthquakes in the past 365 days
The largest earthquake in Drake Passage:
this month: 4.6 in Drake Passage
this year: 5.3 in Drake Passage
Drake Passage
4.6 magnitude earthquake
2025-03-12 12:08:09 UTC
at 12:08
March 12, 2025 UTC
Epicenter at -59.302, -60.449
Depth: 10 km
Drake Passage
5.3 magnitude earthquake
2025-01-08 21:31:26 UTC
at 21:31
January 08, 2025 UTC
Epicenter at -59.877, -61.464
Depth: 10 km
Drake Passage
4.6 magnitude earthquake
2024-05-06 07:37:42 UTC
at 07:37
May 06, 2024 UTC
Epicenter at -59.173, -60.64
Depth: 10 km
Drake Passage
4.3 magnitude earthquake
2023-05-30 11:30:05 UTC
at 11:30
May 30, 2023 UTC
Epicenter at -57.055, -66.564
Depth: 10 km
Drake Passage
4.8 magnitude earthquake
2023-02-03 08:49:27 UTC
at 08:49
February 03, 2023 UTC
Epicenter at -58.964, -61.184
Depth: 10 km
Drake Passage
5.4 magnitude earthquake
2021-06-23 00:47:05 UTC
at 00:47
June 23, 2021 UTC
Epicenter at -58.155, -63.848
Depth: 10 km
Drake Passage
4.9 magnitude earthquake
2020-03-30 06:44:27 UTC
at 06:44
March 30, 2020 UTC
Epicenter at -56.092, -60.163
Depth: 10 km
Drake Passage
5.5 magnitude earthquake
2020-02-07 18:52:50 UTC
at 18:52
February 07, 2020 UTC
Epicenter at -59.416, -60.239
Depth: 10 km
Drake Passage
5.2 magnitude earthquake
2019-12-21 20:34:50 UTC
at 20:34
December 21, 2019 UTC
Epicenter at -56.96, -67.283
Depth: 18 km
Drake Passage
5.1 magnitude earthquake
2019-09-05 16:06:04 UTC
at 16:06
September 05, 2019 UTC
Epicenter at -57.587, -66.27
Depth: 10 km
Drake Passage
4.9 magnitude earthquake
2018-11-16 17:43:34 UTC
at 17:43
November 16, 2018 UTC
Epicenter at -57.527, -66.06
Depth: 10 km
Drake Passage
5.2 magnitude earthquake
2018-11-16 07:53:01 UTC
at 07:53
November 16, 2018 UTC
Epicenter at -57.587, -65.888
Depth: 10 km
Drake Passage
4.9 magnitude earthquake
2018-11-16 07:19:12 UTC
at 07:19
November 16, 2018 UTC
Epicenter at -57.578, -65.998
Depth: 10 km
Drake Passage
4.9 magnitude earthquake
2018-11-08 16:07:54 UTC
at 16:07
November 08, 2018 UTC
Epicenter at -57.558, -66.014
Depth: 10 km
Drake Passage
5.2 magnitude earthquake
2018-10-31 12:36:32 UTC
at 12:36
October 31, 2018 UTC
Epicenter at -57.383, -66.295
Depth: 10 km
Drake Passage
5.5 magnitude earthquake
2018-10-29 21:07:13 UTC
at 21:07
October 29, 2018 UTC
Epicenter at -57.515, -66.166
Depth: 10 km
Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina
5.8 magnitude earthquake
2018-10-29 20:17:22 UTC
at 20:17
October 29, 2018 UTC
Epicenter at -57.55, -66.304
329.2 km from
(204.2 miles)
Depth: 10 km
Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina
6.3 magnitude earthquake
2018-10-29 06:54:21 UTC
at 06:54
October 29, 2018 UTC
Epicenter at -57.405, -66.409
313.2 km from
(194.2 miles)
Depth: 10 km
Drake Passage
5.3 magnitude earthquake
2017-11-16 15:51:44 UTC
at 15:51
November 16, 2017 UTC
Epicenter at -58.548, -62.907
Depth: 10 km
Drake Passage
4.9 magnitude earthquake
2017-06-05 12:31:33 UTC
at 12:31
June 05, 2017 UTC
Epicenter at -57.553, -66.43
Depth: 10 km
Drake Passage
5.4 magnitude earthquake
2017-01-29 17:38:49 UTC
at 17:38
January 29, 2017 UTC
Epicenter at -58.039, -64.879
Depth: 10 km
Drake Passage
5.2 magnitude earthquake
2016-03-10 03:24:06 UTC
at 03:24
March 10, 2016 UTC
Epicenter at -57.491, -66.405
Depth: 10 km
Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina
5.6 magnitude earthquake
2015-10-20 20:33:12 UTC
at 20:33
October 20, 2015 UTC
Epicenter at -57.433, -65.887
329.2 km from
(204.2 miles)
Depth: 9 km
Drake Passage
4.8 magnitude earthquake
2015-07-28 21:57:39 UTC
at 21:57
July 28, 2015 UTC
Epicenter at -58.27, -61.569
Depth: 10 km
Drake Passage
4.5 magnitude earthquake
2015-04-08 00:39:49 UTC
at 00:39
April 08, 2015 UTC
Epicenter at -56.122, -60.047
Depth: 10 km
Drake Passage
4.7 magnitude earthquake
2015-03-14 00:18:43 UTC
at 00:18
March 14, 2015 UTC
Epicenter at -57.475, -66.872
Depth: 10 km
Drake Passage
4.4 magnitude earthquake
2014-08-25 01:35:50 UTC
at 01:35
August 25, 2014 UTC
Epicenter at -57.023, -67.18
Depth: 10 km
Drake Passage
4.7 magnitude earthquake
2014-02-27 06:11:06 UTC
at 06:11
February 27, 2014 UTC
Epicenter at -59.509, -59.776
Depth: 10 km
Drake Passage
5.3 magnitude earthquake
2014-02-27 05:10:58 UTC
at 05:10
February 27, 2014 UTC
Epicenter at -59.46, -59.772
Depth: 10 km
Drake Passage
5.1 magnitude earthquake
2014-02-25 15:43:31 UTC
at 15:43
February 25, 2014 UTC
Epicenter at -59.403, -59.973
Depth: 15 km