Recent Earthquakes Near Morelos, Mexico
Morelos, Mexico has had: (M1.5 or greater)
- 0 earthquakes in the past 24 hours
- 0 earthquakes in the past 7 days
- 1 earthquake in the past 30 days
- 3 earthquakes in the past 365 days
The largest earthquake in Morelos, Mexico:
Huitzuco de los Figueroa, Guerrero, Mexico
5.0 magnitude earthquake
2025-02-28 19:39:28 UTC
at 19:39
February 28, 2025 UTC
Epicenter at 18.354, -99.335
9.2 km from
Huitzuco de los Figueroa
(5.2 miles)
Depth: 61 km
Ajuchitlán del Progreso, Guerrero, Mexico
5.0 magnitude earthquake
2024-09-26 19:03:02 UTC
at 19:03
September 26, 2024 UTC
Epicenter at 18.186, -100.42
7.2 km from
Ajuchitlán del Progreso
(4.2 miles)
Depth: 70 km
Polanco, Mexico City, Mexico
2.9 magnitude earthquake
2024-09-26 06:39:06 UTC
at 06:39
September 26, 2024 UTC
Epicenter at 19.378, -99.204
1.2 km from
(0.2 miles)
Depth: 5 km
Villa Hidalgo (El Cubo), Guerrero, Mexico
4.7 magnitude earthquake
2024-02-22 20:43:10 UTC
at 20:43
February 22, 2024 UTC
Epicenter at 18.065, -100.235
13.2 km from
Villa Hidalgo (El Cubo)
(8.2 miles)
Depth: 62 km
Chiautla de Tapia, Puebla, Mexico
5.8 magnitude earthquake
2023-12-07 20:03:38 UTC
at 20:03
December 07, 2023 UTC
Epicenter at 18.387, -98.55
11.2 km from
Chiautla de Tapia
(6.2 miles)
Depth: 44 km
Copalillo, Guerrero, Mexico
4.0 magnitude earthquake
2023-09-14 10:44:53 UTC
at 10:44
September 14, 2023 UTC
Epicenter at 18.213, -99.09
20.2 km from
(12.2 miles)
Depth: 59 km
San Francisco Ozomatlán, Guerrero, Mexico
4.1 magnitude earthquake
2023-07-18 15:13:12 UTC
at 15:13
July 18, 2023 UTC
Epicenter at 17.887, -99.271
8.2 km from
San Francisco Ozomatlán
(5.2 miles)
Depth: 31 km
Coyoacán, Mexico City, Mexico
3.2 magnitude earthquake
2023-05-11 04:20:17 UTC
at 04:20
May 11, 2023 UTC
Epicenter at 19.356, -99.123
0.2 km from
(0.2 miles)
Depth: 6 km
Tejupilco de Hidalgo, México, Mexico
4.1 magnitude earthquake
2022-09-16 15:18:08 UTC
at 15:18
September 16, 2022 UTC
Epicenter at 18.848, -100.182
6.2 km from
Tejupilco de Hidalgo
(4.2 miles)
Depth: 36 km
Camémbaro, Michoacán, Mexico
4.5 magnitude earthquake
2021-04-08 01:19:42 UTC
at 01:19
April 08, 2021 UTC
Epicenter at 19.424, -100.45
5.2 km from
(3.2 miles)
Depth: 149 km
Xochihuehuetlán, Guerrero, Mexico
4.3 magnitude earthquake
2020-06-30 04:05:51 UTC
at 04:05
June 30, 2020 UTC
Epicenter at 17.811, -98.41
10.2 km from
(6.2 miles)
Depth: 58 km
Santa Ana Zicatecoyan, México, Mexico
4.0 magnitude earthquake
2019-11-27 13:14:34 UTC
at 13:14
November 27, 2019 UTC
Epicenter at 18.521, -100.227
5.2 km from
Santa Ana Zicatecoyan
(3.2 miles)
Depth: 52 km
Maxela, Guerrero, Mexico
4.1 magnitude earthquake
2019-09-11 16:49:25 UTC
at 16:49
September 11, 2019 UTC
Epicenter at 18.045, -99.49
10.2 km from
(6.2 miles)
Depth: 47 km
Polanco, Mexico City, Mexico
2.9 magnitude earthquake
2019-07-17 03:59:51 UTC
at 03:59
July 17, 2019 UTC
Epicenter at 19.41, -99.22
2.2 km from
(1.2 miles)
Depth: 3 km
Arcelia, Guerrero, Mexico
4.9 magnitude earthquake
2018-05-16 14:20:31 UTC
at 14:20
May 16, 2018 UTC
Epicenter at 18.42, -100.22
12.2 km from
(8.2 miles)
Depth: 81 km
La Soledad, Michoacán, Mexico
2.6 magnitude earthquake
2018-05-01 18:33:15 UTC
at 18:33
May 01, 2018 UTC
Epicenter at 19.544, -100.569
9.2 km from
La Soledad
(5.2 miles)
Depth: 66 km
Ayutla, Puebla, Mexico
7.1 magnitude earthquake
2017-09-19 18:14:38 UTC
at 18:14
September 19, 2017 UTC
Epicenter at 18.546, -98.487
1.2 km from
(1.2 miles)
Depth: 51 km
Tulcingo de Valle, Puebla, Mexico
4.6 magnitude earthquake
2016-09-22 18:08:58 UTC
at 18:08
September 22, 2016 UTC
Epicenter at 18.02, -98.395
5.2 km from
Tulcingo de Valle
(3.2 miles)
Depth: 50 km
Mayanalán, Guerrero, Mexico
4.0 magnitude earthquake
2015-08-28 01:56:01 UTC
at 01:56
August 28, 2015 UTC
Epicenter at 18.147, -99.461
4.2 km from
(2.2 miles)
Depth: 51 km
Acaxtlahuacán de Albino Zertuche, Puebla, Mexico
5.4 magnitude earthquake
2015-03-20 22:30:07 UTC
at 22:30
March 20, 2015 UTC
Epicenter at 18.033, -98.514
3.2 km from
Acaxtlahuacán de Albino Zertuche
(2.2 miles)
Depth: 52 km
Teloloapan, Guerrero, Mexico
4.0 magnitude earthquake
2014-12-27 13:33:38 UTC
at 13:33
December 27, 2014 UTC
Epicenter at 18.402, -99.846
4.2 km from
(2.2 miles)
Depth: 55 km
Copalillo, Guerrero, Mexico
4.1 magnitude earthquake
2014-12-24 22:53:22 UTC
at 22:53
December 24, 2014 UTC
Epicenter at 17.984, -99.136
11.2 km from
(7.2 miles)
Depth: 57 km
Apaxtla de Castrejón, Guerrero, Mexico
4.9 magnitude earthquake
2014-05-20 01:39:14 UTC
at 01:39
May 20, 2014 UTC
Epicenter at 18.033, -100.094
20.2 km from
Apaxtla de Castrejón
(12.2 miles)
Depth: 54 km
Mezcala, Guerrero, Mexico
4.1 magnitude earthquake
2014-02-19 12:03:33 UTC
at 12:03
February 19, 2014 UTC
Epicenter at 17.863, -99.724
14.2 km from
(9.2 miles)
Depth: 55 km
Nuevo Balsas, Guerrero, Mexico
4.2 magnitude earthquake
2014-01-07 06:09:06 UTC
at 06:09
January 07, 2014 UTC
Epicenter at 18.053, -99.805
5.2 km from
Nuevo Balsas
(3.2 miles)
Depth: 49 km
Nuevo Balsas, Guerrero, Mexico
4.0 magnitude earthquake
2014-01-02 10:37:24 UTC
at 10:37
January 02, 2014 UTC
Epicenter at 17.937, -99.775
10.2 km from
Nuevo Balsas
(6.2 miles)
Depth: 54 km
Villa Hidalgo (El Cubo), Guerrero, Mexico
4.1 magnitude earthquake
2013-12-21 04:32:01 UTC
at 04:32
December 21, 2013 UTC
Epicenter at 18.19, -100.266
6.2 km from
Villa Hidalgo (El Cubo)
(3.2 miles)
Depth: 52 km
Zumpango del Río, Guerrero, Mexico
4.0 magnitude earthquake
2013-11-09 01:47:58 UTC
at 01:47
November 09, 2013 UTC
Epicenter at 17.694, -99.533
4.2 km from
Zumpango del Río
(2.2 miles)
Depth: 44 km
El Moreno (San Miguel Moreno), Hidalgo, Mexico
4.0 magnitude earthquake
2013-09-23 06:45:54 UTC
at 06:45
September 23, 2013 UTC
Epicenter at 20.339, -99.205
5.2 km from
El Moreno (San Miguel Moreno)
(3.2 miles)
Depth: 5 km
Axaxacualco, Guerrero, Mexico
4.1 magnitude earthquake
2013-08-22 16:44:35 UTC
at 16:44
August 22, 2013 UTC
Epicenter at 17.874, -99.512
9.2 km from
(5.2 miles)
Depth: 55 km