Recent Earthquakes Near Mahabe, Melaky, Madagascar
Mahabe has had: (M1.5 or greater)
- 0 earthquakes in the past 24 hours
- 0 earthquakes in the past 7 days
- 1 earthquake in the past 30 days
- 1 earthquake in the past 365 days
The largest earthquake in Mahabe:
Mahabe, Melaky, Madagascar
4.6 magnitude earthquake
2025-03-09 19:38:41 UTC
at 19:38
March 09, 2025 UTC
Epicenter at -16.783, 44.238
121.2 km from
(75.2 miles)
Depth: 10 km
Betafo, Vakinankaratra, Madagascar
5.5 magnitude earthquake
2017-01-11 22:06:59 UTC
at 22:06
January 11, 2017 UTC
Epicenter at -20.158, 46.633
42.2 km from
(26.2 miles)
Depth: 8 km
Maevatanana, Betsiboka, Madagascar
4.1 magnitude earthquake
2008-11-03 08:41:24 UTC
at 08:41
November 03, 2008 UTC
Epicenter at -17.473, 46.805
57.2 km from
(36.2 miles)
Depth: 10 km
Maintirano, Melaky, Madagascar
5.7 magnitude earthquake
2006-09-24 22:56:21 UTC
at 22:56
September 24, 2006 UTC
Epicenter at -17.741, 41.811
237.2 km from
(147.2 miles)
Depth: 6 km
Fenoarivo Be, Bongolava, Madagascar
5.6 magnitude earthquake
1991-04-21 23:12:22 UTC
at 23:12
April 21, 1991 UTC
Epicenter at -18.287, 46.416
22.2 km from
Fenoarivo Be
(14.2 miles)
Depth: 18 km
Ambatondrazaka, Alaotra Mangoro, Madagascar
5.6 magnitude earthquake
1985-10-04 15:17:07 UTC
at 15:17
October 04, 1985 UTC
Epicenter at -18.304, 48.433
52.2 km from
(32.2 miles)
Depth: 10 km
Maintirano, Melaky, Madagascar
5.1 magnitude earthquake
1983-12-27 00:39:04 UTC
at 00:39
December 27, 1983 UTC
Epicenter at -18.248, 44.863
90.2 km from
(56.2 miles)
Depth: 10 km
Kani Kéli, Kani-Kéli, Mayotte
6.0 magnitude earthquake
1952-04-29 03:07:24 UTC
at 03:07
April 29, 1952 UTC
Epicenter at -14.713, 44.236
216.2 km from
Kani Kéli
(134.2 miles)
Depth: 15 km
António Enes, Nampula, Mozambique
6.1 magnitude earthquake
1951-01-22 12:16:07 UTC
at 12:16
January 22, 1951 UTC
Epicenter at -17.155, 41.576
205.2 km from
António Enes
(127.2 miles)
Depth: 15 km
Ilha de Moçambique, Nampula, Mozambique
6.2 magnitude earthquake
1950-05-10 23:39:25 UTC
at 23:39
May 10, 1950 UTC
Epicenter at -16.518, 42.263
231.2 km from
Ilha de Moçambique
(144.2 miles)
Depth: 15 km