Today: 6.2 magnitude earthquake near Pangai, Ha‘apai, Tonga
Today: 7.0 magnitude earthquake near Pangai, Ha‘apai, Tonga
Recent Earthquakes Near Punta Arenas, Magallanes, Chile
Punta Arenas has had: (M1.5 or greater)
- 0 earthquakes in the past 24 hours
- 1 earthquake in the past 7 days
- 1 earthquake in the past 30 days
- 2 earthquakes in the past 365 days
The largest earthquake in Punta Arenas:
Puerto Natales, Magallanes, Chile
4.5 magnitude earthquake
2025-03-26 07:16:17 UTC
at 07:16
March 26, 2025 UTC
Epicenter at -52.418, -71.677
95.2 km from
Puerto Natales
(59.2 miles)
Depth: 14 km
Puerto Natales, Magallanes, Chile
4.4 magnitude earthquake
2025-02-19 16:06:06 UTC
at 16:06
February 19, 2025 UTC
Epicenter at -52.469, -72.369
83.2 km from
Puerto Natales
(51.2 miles)
Near Coast Of Magallanes, Chile
Depth: 10 km
Punta Arenas, Magallanes, Chile
4.1 magnitude earthquake
2023-04-16 00:06:52 UTC
at 00:06
April 16, 2023 UTC
Epicenter at -53.971, -70.77
91.2 km from
Punta Arenas
(56.2 miles)
Depth: 10 km
Puerto Natales, Magallanes, Chile
4.1 magnitude earthquake
2022-11-30 20:49:16 UTC
at 20:49
November 30, 2022 UTC
Epicenter at -52.422, -72.638
78.2 km from
Puerto Natales
(48.2 miles)
Near Coast Of Magallanes, Chile
Depth: 29 km
Punta Arenas, Magallanes, Chile
4.5 magnitude earthquake
2022-08-30 14:32:15 UTC
at 14:32
August 30, 2022 UTC
Epicenter at -52.397, -71.534
94.2 km from
Punta Arenas
(58.2 miles)
Depth: 11 km
Punta Arenas, Magallanes, Chile
4.2 magnitude earthquake
2022-08-23 00:35:27 UTC
at 00:35
August 23, 2022 UTC
Epicenter at -52.55, -71.717
86.2 km from
Punta Arenas
(53.2 miles)
Near Coast Of Magallanes, Chile
Depth: 35 km
Punta Arenas, Magallanes, Chile
4.4 magnitude earthquake
2019-02-09 02:37:43 UTC
at 02:37
February 09, 2019 UTC
Epicenter at -52.976, -71.327
34.2 km from
Punta Arenas
(21.2 miles)
Depth: 16 km
Punta Arenas, Magallanes, Chile
3.9 magnitude earthquake
2018-05-11 22:54:37 UTC
at 22:54
May 11, 2018 UTC
Epicenter at -54.265, -70.81
123.2 km from
Punta Arenas
(76.2 miles)
Depth: 10 km
Punta Arenas, Magallanes, Chile
4.4 magnitude earthquake
2015-01-10 16:05:15 UTC
at 16:05
January 10, 2015 UTC
Epicenter at -53.171, -73.259
157.2 km from
Punta Arenas
(97.2 miles)
Near Coast Of Magallanes, Chile
Depth: 14 km
Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina
4.5 magnitude earthquake
2009-11-06 03:37:42 UTC
at 03:37
November 06, 2009 UTC
Epicenter at -54.083, -69.534
113.2 km from
(70.2 miles)
Tierra Del Fuego, Magallanes, Chile
Depth: 15 km
Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina
4.6 magnitude earthquake
2006-01-09 23:56:53 UTC
at 23:56
January 09, 2006 UTC
Epicenter at -54.292, -69.274
84.2 km from
(52.2 miles)
Tierra Del Fuego, Magallanes, Chile
Depth: 8 km
Punta Arenas, Magallanes, Chile
4.4 magnitude earthquake
2003-09-28 16:06:08 UTC
at 16:06
September 28, 2003 UTC
Epicenter at -53.021, -72.812
128.2 km from
Punta Arenas
(79.2 miles)
Near Coast Of Magallanes, Chile
Depth: 33 km
Puerto Natales, Magallanes, Chile
5.6 magnitude earthquake
2003-09-12 16:48:44 UTC
at 16:48
September 12, 2003 UTC
Epicenter at -51.623, -75.593
215.2 km from
Puerto Natales
(133.2 miles)
Near Coast Of Magallanes, Chile
Depth: 33 km
Puerto Natales, Magallanes, Chile
4.1 magnitude earthquake
2000-03-30 22:31:50 UTC
at 22:31
March 30, 2000 UTC
Epicenter at -52.022, -72.209
38.2 km from
Puerto Natales
(23.2 miles)
Near Coast Of Magallanes, Chile
Depth: 33 km
28 de Noviembre, Santa Cruz, Argentina
4.5 magnitude earthquake
1998-05-27 20:50:42 UTC
at 20:50
May 27, 1998 UTC
Epicenter at -51.526, -71.9
22.2 km from
28 de Noviembre
(14.2 miles)
Near Coast Of Magallanes, Chile
Depth: 33 km
Puerto Natales, Magallanes, Chile
4.3 magnitude earthquake
1997-04-26 23:46:54 UTC
at 23:46
April 26, 1997 UTC
Epicenter at -52.387, -71.687
91.2 km from
Puerto Natales
(57.2 miles)
Depth: 33 km
El Calafate, Santa Cruz, Argentina
5.5 magnitude earthquake
1992-07-30 13:14:51 UTC
at 13:14
July 30, 1992 UTC
Epicenter at -50.357, -72.095
13.2 km from
El Calafate
(8.2 miles)
Near Coast Of Magallanes, Chile
Depth: 10 km
Puerto Natales, Magallanes, Chile
4.7 magnitude earthquake
1988-11-19 13:24:37 UTC
at 13:24
November 19, 1988 UTC
Epicenter at -52.902, -73.369
144.2 km from
Puerto Natales
(89.2 miles)
Near Coast Of Magallanes, Chile
Depth: 33 km
Puerto Natales, Magallanes, Chile
4.8 magnitude earthquake
1988-10-22 11:51:17 UTC
at 11:51
October 22, 1988 UTC
Epicenter at -52.997, -73.651
162.2 km from
Puerto Natales
(100.2 miles)
Near Coast Of Magallanes, Chile
Depth: 10 km
28 de Noviembre, Santa Cruz, Argentina
5.0 magnitude earthquake
1987-06-29 01:51:43 UTC
at 01:51
June 29, 1987 UTC
Epicenter at -51.736, -71.973
23.2 km from
28 de Noviembre
(14.2 miles)
Near Coast Of Magallanes, Chile
Depth: 10 km