Biggest Earthquakes Near Macquarie Island
Macquarie Island has had: (M1.5 or greater)
- 0 earthquakes in the past 24 hours
- 1 earthquake in the past 30 days
- 9 earthquakes in the past 365 days
The largest earthquake in Macquarie Island:
this month: 5.1 in Macquarie Island
this year: 6.7 in Macquarie Island
Bluff, Southland, New Zealand
8.2 magnitude earthquake
1989-05-23 10:54:46 UTC
at 10:54
May 23, 1989 UTC
Epicenter at -52.341, 160.568
851.2 km from
(528.2 miles)
Depth: 10 km
Macquarie Island
7.5 magnitude earthquake
1924-06-26 01:37:33 UTC
at 01:37
June 26, 1924 UTC
Epicenter at -56.198, 158.563
Depth: 10 km
Macquarie Island
7.4 magnitude earthquake
1987-09-03 06:40:13 UTC
at 06:40
September 03, 1987 UTC
Epicenter at -58.893, 158.513
Depth: 33 km
Macquarie Island
7.4 magnitude earthquake
1943-09-06 03:41:29 UTC
at 03:41
September 06, 1943 UTC
Epicenter at -53.983, 158.737
Depth: 10 km
Macquarie Island
7.3 magnitude earthquake
1970-06-11 16:46:34 UTC
at 16:46
June 11, 1970 UTC
Epicenter at -59.232, 158.902
Depth: 15 km
Macquarie Island
7.3 magnitude earthquake
1965-08-02 13:19:57 UTC
at 13:19
August 02, 1965 UTC
Epicenter at -56.046, 157.922
Depth: 10 km
Macquarie Island
7.1 magnitude earthquake
2008-04-12 00:30:12 UTC
at 00:30
April 12, 2008 UTC
Epicenter at -55.664, 158.453
Depth: 16 km
Macquarie Island
6.9 magnitude earthquake
2022-05-19 10:13:31 UTC
at 10:13
May 19, 2022 UTC
Epicenter at -54.137, 159.084
Depth: 10 km
Macquarie Island
6.8 magnitude earthquake
1987-09-03 08:01:36 UTC
at 08:01
September 03, 1987 UTC
Epicenter at -59.538, 159.005
Depth: 33 km
Macquarie Island
6.8 magnitude earthquake
1969-06-17 23:58:09 UTC
at 23:58
June 17, 1969 UTC
Epicenter at -52.744, 160.309
Depth: 15 km
Macquarie Island
6.7 magnitude earthquake
2024-03-03 16:16:51 UTC
at 16:16
March 03, 2024 UTC
Epicenter at -58.904, 159.164
Depth: 10 km
Macquarie Island
6.7 magnitude earthquake
1977-07-21 11:53:22 UTC
at 11:53
July 21, 1977 UTC
Epicenter at -53.863, 158.602
Depth: 33 km
Macquarie Island
6.5 magnitude earthquake
1994-11-05 02:16:03 UTC
at 02:16
November 05, 1994 UTC
Epicenter at -57.193, 157.858
Depth: 24 km
Macquarie Island
6.5 magnitude earthquake
1980-02-07 10:49:16 UTC
at 10:49
February 07, 1980 UTC
Epicenter at -54.158, 158.89
Depth: 10 km
Macquarie Island
6.5 magnitude earthquake
1951-10-28 06:47:46 UTC
at 06:47
October 28, 1951 UTC
Epicenter at -57.894, 157.15
Depth: 15 km
Macquarie Island
6.4 magnitude earthquake
2001-03-06 09:17:36 UTC
at 09:17
March 06, 2001 UTC
Epicenter at -54.588, 157.271
Depth: 10 km
Macquarie Island
6.4 magnitude earthquake
1990-09-17 13:47:26 UTC
at 13:47
September 17, 1990 UTC
Epicenter at -53.155, 159.632
Depth: 10 km
Macquarie Island
6.4 magnitude earthquake
1989-07-03 17:02:32 UTC
at 17:02
July 03, 1989 UTC
Epicenter at -53.187, 160.168
Depth: 33 km
Macquarie Island
6.4 magnitude earthquake
1940-10-01 21:38:39 UTC
at 21:38
October 01, 1940 UTC
Epicenter at -58.682, 160.755
Depth: 10 km
Macquarie Island
6.3 magnitude earthquake
1938-10-09 16:36:53 UTC
at 16:36
October 09, 1938 UTC
Epicenter at -59.353, 159.767
Depth: 10 km
Macquarie Island
6.3 magnitude earthquake
1935-12-09 07:23:35 UTC
at 07:23
December 09, 1935 UTC
Epicenter at -54.749, 162.118
Depth: 10 km
Macquarie Island
6.2 magnitude earthquake
1998-06-16 09:35:11 UTC
at 09:35
June 16, 1998 UTC
Epicenter at -52.988, 159.837
Depth: 10 km
Macquarie Island
6.2 magnitude earthquake
1992-02-17 04:37:31 UTC
at 04:37
February 17, 1992 UTC
Epicenter at -55.979, 158.123
Depth: 33 km
Macquarie Island
6.1 magnitude earthquake
2024-03-05 19:52:52 UTC
at 19:52
March 05, 2024 UTC
Epicenter at -59.168, 158.796
Depth: 10 km
Macquarie Island
6.1 magnitude earthquake
2016-09-08 21:46:20 UTC
at 21:46
September 08, 2016 UTC
Epicenter at -54.642, 158.604
Depth: 10 km
Macquarie Island
6.1 magnitude earthquake
1995-10-13 15:22:23 UTC
at 15:22
October 13, 1995 UTC
Epicenter at -59.014, 158.28
Depth: 14 km
Macquarie Island
6.1 magnitude earthquake
1982-06-27 16:17:13 UTC
at 16:17
June 27, 1982 UTC
Epicenter at -55.486, 160.161
Depth: 10 km
Macquarie Island
6.1 magnitude earthquake
1966-05-25 13:20:54 UTC
at 13:20
May 25, 1966 UTC
Epicenter at -52.772, 160.124
Depth: 10 km
Macquarie Island
6.0 magnitude earthquake
2009-11-05 09:43:20 UTC
at 09:43
November 05, 2009 UTC
Epicenter at -52.292, 160.703
Depth: 10 km
Macquarie Island
6.0 magnitude earthquake
2009-09-23 02:59:30 UTC
at 02:59
September 23, 2009 UTC
Epicenter at -52.963, 159.911
Depth: 10 km