Yesterday: 5.0 magnitude earthquake near Mentone, Texas, United States
Yesterday: 6.0 magnitude earthquake near Metahāra, Oromiya, Ethiopia
5.5 magnitude earthquake
1994-06-03 23:42:31 UTC
South Of Java, Indonesia
5.5 magnitude earthquake
1994-06-03 23:42:31 UTC
at 23:42
June 03, 1994 UTC
Epicenter at -10.473, 112.81
Depth: 32 km
Kencong, East Java, Indonesia
6.5 magnitude earthquake
1994-06-04 00:57:50 UTC
at 00:57
June 04, 1994 UTC
Epicenter at -10.777, 113.366
275.2 km from
(171.2 miles)
Depth: 11 km
South Of Java, Indonesia
4.8 magnitude earthquake
1994-06-04 02:38:21 UTC
at 02:38
June 04, 1994 UTC
Epicenter at -11.061, 113.452
Depth: 33 km
South Of Java, Indonesia
5.4 magnitude earthquake
1994-06-04 05:54:29 UTC
at 05:54
June 04, 1994 UTC
Epicenter at -10.567, 113.186
Depth: 32 km
South Of Java, Indonesia
4.9 magnitude earthquake
1994-06-04 08:29:51 UTC
at 08:29
June 04, 1994 UTC
Epicenter at -11.035, 113.416
Depth: 40 km
South Of Java, Indonesia
5.2 magnitude earthquake
1994-06-04 11:18:53 UTC
at 11:18
June 04, 1994 UTC
Epicenter at -10.79, 113.338
Depth: 30 km
Kencong, East Java, Indonesia
5.6 magnitude earthquake
1994-06-04 11:36:36 UTC
at 11:36
June 04, 1994 UTC
Epicenter at -10.831, 113.225
282.2 km from
(175.2 miles)
Depth: 34 km
South Of Java, Indonesia
5.2 magnitude earthquake
1994-06-04 12:04:27 UTC
at 12:04
June 04, 1994 UTC
Epicenter at -10.696, 113.555
Depth: 28 km
South Of Java, Indonesia
5.4 magnitude earthquake
1994-06-04 14:57:59 UTC
at 14:57
June 04, 1994 UTC
Epicenter at -10.559, 112.889
Depth: 33 km
South Of Java, Indonesia
4.8 magnitude earthquake
1994-06-04 16:38:15 UTC
at 16:38
June 04, 1994 UTC
Epicenter at -11.229, 113.142
Depth: 33 km