Yesterday: 6.2 magnitude earthquake near Pangai, Ha‘apai, Tonga
Yesterday: 7.0 magnitude earthquake near Pangai, Ha‘apai, Tonga
Recent Earthquakes Near Guatemala
Guatemala has had: (M1.5 or greater)
- 0 earthquakes in the past 24 hours
- 0 earthquakes in the past 7 days
- 4 earthquakes in the past 30 days
- 118 earthquakes in the past 365 days
The largest earthquake in Guatemala:
La Gomera, Escuintla, Guatemala
4.2 magnitude earthquake
2024-01-14 21:14:48 UTC
at 21:14
January 14, 2024 UTC
Epicenter at 13.602, -91.314
60.2 km from
La Gomera
(37.2 miles)
Depth: 47 km
Puerto San José, Escuintla, Guatemala
4.3 magnitude earthquake
2024-01-13 05:25:33 UTC
at 05:25
January 13, 2024 UTC
Epicenter at 13.877, -90.969
16.2 km from
Puerto San José
(10.2 miles)
Depth: 57 km
La Libertad, La Libertad, El Salvador
4.4 magnitude earthquake
2024-01-09 03:02:51 UTC
at 03:02
January 09, 2024 UTC
Epicenter at 13.297, -89.56
33.2 km from
La Libertad
(20.2 miles)
Depth: 51 km
Puerto San José, Escuintla, Guatemala
4.6 magnitude earthquake
2023-12-27 09:35:42 UTC
at 09:35
December 27, 2023 UTC
Epicenter at 13.059, -90.906
96.2 km from
Puerto San José
(59.2 miles)
Depth: 37 km
Nueva Concepción, Escuintla, Guatemala
4.2 magnitude earthquake
2023-12-25 07:49:48 UTC
at 07:49
December 25, 2023 UTC
Epicenter at 13.526, -91.612
81.2 km from
Nueva Concepción
(50.2 miles)
Depth: 35 km
La Esperanza (El Zapotal), Chiapas, Mexico
4.9 magnitude earthquake
2023-12-18 00:15:08 UTC
at 00:15
December 18, 2023 UTC
Epicenter at 14.356, -93.907
144.2 km from
La Esperanza (El Zapotal)
(90.2 miles)
Depth: 10 km
Puerto Madero, Chiapas, Mexico
4.4 magnitude earthquake
2023-12-17 03:24:35 UTC
at 03:24
December 17, 2023 UTC
Epicenter at 14.306, -92.879
67.2 km from
Puerto Madero
(41.2 miles)
Depth: 47 km
Nueva Concepción, Escuintla, Guatemala
5.4 magnitude earthquake
2023-12-14 17:55:01 UTC
at 17:55
December 14, 2023 UTC
Epicenter at 13.963, -91.395
28.2 km from
Nueva Concepción
(17.2 miles)
Depth: 78 km
Puerto Madero, Chiapas, Mexico
5.0 magnitude earthquake
2023-12-14 16:21:28 UTC
at 16:21
December 14, 2023 UTC
Epicenter at 14.303, -92.808
64.2 km from
Puerto Madero
(40.2 miles)
Depth: 56 km
San Felipe, Retalhuleu, Guatemala
4.6 magnitude earthquake
2023-12-12 21:07:08 UTC
at 21:07
December 12, 2023 UTC
Epicenter at 14.624, -91.611
1.2 km from
San Felipe
(0.2 miles)
Depth: 114 km
Iztapa, Escuintla, Guatemala
4.2 magnitude earthquake
2023-12-04 06:20:32 UTC
at 06:20
December 04, 2023 UTC
Epicenter at 12.969, -90.612
107.2 km from
(66.2 miles)
Depth: 28 km
Iztapa, Escuintla, Guatemala
4.3 magnitude earthquake
2023-12-03 17:03:55 UTC
at 17:03
December 03, 2023 UTC
Epicenter at 13.188, -90.554
84.2 km from
(52.2 miles)
Depth: 55 km
Acacoyahua, Chiapas, Mexico
4.0 magnitude earthquake
2023-11-28 18:34:26 UTC
at 18:34
November 28, 2023 UTC
Epicenter at 15.385, -92.623
7.2 km from
(4.2 miles)
Depth: 114 km
Puerto Madero, Chiapas, Mexico
4.4 magnitude earthquake
2023-11-19 18:25:52 UTC
at 18:25
November 19, 2023 UTC
Epicenter at 14.016, -93.253
118.2 km from
Puerto Madero
(73.2 miles)
Depth: 10 km
La Libertad, La Libertad, El Salvador
4.3 magnitude earthquake
2023-11-16 01:24:54 UTC
at 01:24
November 16, 2023 UTC
Epicenter at 13.149, -89.255
38.2 km from
La Libertad
(23.2 miles)
Depth: 56 km
El Estor, Izabal, Guatemala
4.3 magnitude earthquake
2023-11-11 21:07:15 UTC
at 21:07
November 11, 2023 UTC
Epicenter at 15.853, -89.16
37.2 km from
El Estor
(23.2 miles)
Depth: 10 km
Chicacao, Suchitepeque, Guatemala
4.4 magnitude earthquake
2023-11-09 08:23:43 UTC
at 08:23
November 09, 2023 UTC
Epicenter at 14.512, -91.297
3.2 km from
(1.2 miles)
Depth: 11 km
Iztapa, Escuintla, Guatemala
4.1 magnitude earthquake
2023-11-06 06:50:06 UTC
at 06:50
November 06, 2023 UTC
Epicenter at 13.643, -90.449
42.2 km from
(26.2 miles)
Depth: 87 km
Acajutla, Sonsonate, El Salvador
4.4 magnitude earthquake
2023-11-05 20:42:33 UTC
at 20:42
November 05, 2023 UTC
Epicenter at 12.597, -90.506
121.2 km from
(75.2 miles)
Depth: 10 km
Nueva Concepción, Escuintla, Guatemala
4.4 magnitude earthquake
2023-11-05 18:56:08 UTC
at 18:56
November 05, 2023 UTC
Epicenter at 14.15, -91.21
12.2 km from
Nueva Concepción
(7.2 miles)
Depth: 93 km
Nueva Concepción, Escuintla, Guatemala
4.2 magnitude earthquake
2023-11-04 14:03:24 UTC
at 14:03
November 04, 2023 UTC
Epicenter at 14.027, -91.543
32.2 km from
Nueva Concepción
(20.2 miles)
Depth: 54 km
Iztapa, Escuintla, Guatemala
4.4 magnitude earthquake
2023-11-03 16:34:45 UTC
at 16:34
November 03, 2023 UTC
Epicenter at 13.637, -90.699
32.2 km from
(20.2 miles)
Depth: 50 km
Iztapa, Escuintla, Guatemala
5.1 magnitude earthquake
2023-11-01 21:52:18 UTC
at 21:52
November 01, 2023 UTC
Epicenter at 13.56, -90.707
41.2 km from
(25.2 miles)
Depth: 60 km
Puerto Madero, Chiapas, Mexico
4.1 magnitude earthquake
2023-10-27 09:31:14 UTC
at 09:31
October 27, 2023 UTC
Epicenter at 13.963, -93.601
152.2 km from
Puerto Madero
(94.2 miles)
Depth: 10 km
Puerto Madero, Chiapas, Mexico
4.7 magnitude earthquake
2023-10-27 09:01:02 UTC
at 09:01
October 27, 2023 UTC
Epicenter at 14.21, -93.3
110.2 km from
Puerto Madero
(68.2 miles)
Depth: 10 km
Puerto Madero, Chiapas, Mexico
4.6 magnitude earthquake
2023-10-26 09:34:21 UTC
at 09:34
October 26, 2023 UTC
Epicenter at 14.479, -92.628
34.2 km from
Puerto Madero
(21.2 miles)
Depth: 69 km
Puerto Madero, Chiapas, Mexico
4.1 magnitude earthquake
2023-10-22 04:36:51 UTC
at 04:36
October 22, 2023 UTC
Epicenter at 14.274, -93.423
118.2 km from
Puerto Madero
(73.2 miles)
Depth: 10 km
Puerto Madero, Chiapas, Mexico
5.1 magnitude earthquake
2023-10-21 17:10:01 UTC
at 17:10
October 21, 2023 UTC
Epicenter at 14.192, -93.451
118.2 km from
Puerto Madero
(73.2 miles)
Depth: 10 km
Puerto Madero, Chiapas, Mexico
4.6 magnitude earthquake
2023-10-21 17:05:13 UTC
at 17:05
October 21, 2023 UTC
Epicenter at 14.214, -93.433
122.2 km from
Puerto Madero
(76.2 miles)
Depth: 10 km
Puerto Madero, Chiapas, Mexico
4.4 magnitude earthquake
2023-10-21 08:21:06 UTC
at 08:21
October 21, 2023 UTC
Epicenter at 14.458, -93.346
103.2 km from
Puerto Madero
(64.2 miles)
Depth: 42 km