Biggest Earthquakes Near Inarajan, Guam
Inarajan, Guam has had: (M1.5 or greater)
- 0 earthquakes in the past 24 hours
- 0 earthquakes in the past 7 days
- 3 earthquakes in the past 30 days
- 31 earthquakes in the past 365 days
The largest earthquake in Inarajan, Guam:
Inarajan Village, Inarajan, Guam
7.8 magnitude earthquake
1993-08-08 08:34:24 UTC
at 08:34
August 08, 1993 UTC
Epicenter at 12.982, 144.801
32.2 km from
Inarajan Village
(20.2 miles)
Depth: 59 km
Saipan, Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands
7.7 magnitude earthquake
1940-12-28 16:37:44 UTC
at 16:37
December 28, 1940 UTC
Epicenter at 18.245, 147.558
386.2 km from
(240.2 miles)
Depth: 15 km
Saipan, Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands
7.7 magnitude earthquake
2016-07-29 21:18:25 UTC
at 21:18
July 29, 2016 UTC
Epicenter at 18.515, 145.529
366.2 km from
(227.2 miles)
Depth: 212 km
Saipan, Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands
7.6 magnitude earthquake
1990-04-05 21:12:35 UTC
at 21:12
April 05, 1990 UTC
Epicenter at 15.125, 147.596
198.2 km from
(123.2 miles)
Depth: 11 km
Merizo Village, Merizo, Guam
7.2 magnitude earthquake
1931-01-28 21:24:12 UTC
at 21:24
January 28, 1931 UTC
Epicenter at 10.888, 144.357
265.2 km from
Merizo Village
(164.2 miles)
Depth: 15 km
Merizo Village, Merizo, Guam
7.1 magnitude earthquake
2002-04-26 16:06:07 UTC
at 16:06
April 26, 2002 UTC
Epicenter at 13.088, 144.619
20.2 km from
Merizo Village
(12.2 miles)
Depth: 85 km
Inarajan Village, Inarajan, Guam
7.0 magnitude earthquake
2001-10-12 15:02:16 UTC
at 15:02
October 12, 2001 UTC
Epicenter at 12.686, 144.98
69.2 km from
Inarajan Village
(43.2 miles)
Depth: 37 km
Saipan, Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands
7.0 magnitude earthquake
1942-06-14 03:09:53 UTC
at 03:09
June 14, 1942 UTC
Epicenter at 14.637, 147.822
231.2 km from
(143.2 miles)
Depth: 15 km
Fais, Yap, Micronesia
6.9 magnitude earthquake
2010-08-13 21:19:34 UTC
at 21:19
August 13, 2010 UTC
Epicenter at 12.487, 141.474
318.2 km from
(197.2 miles)
Depth: 16 km
Inarajan Village, Inarajan, Guam
6.9 magnitude earthquake
2007-09-30 02:08:30 UTC
at 02:08
September 30, 2007 UTC
Epicenter at 10.454, 145.718
329.2 km from
Inarajan Village
(204.2 miles)
Depth: 14 km
Merizo Village, Merizo, Guam
6.8 magnitude earthquake
2008-05-09 21:51:29 UTC
at 21:51
May 09, 2008 UTC
Epicenter at 12.516, 143.181
181.2 km from
Merizo Village
(112.2 miles)
Depth: 76 km
Piti Village, Piti, Guam
6.7 magnitude earthquake
2014-09-17 06:14:45 UTC
at 06:14
September 17, 2014 UTC
Epicenter at 13.764, 144.429
43.2 km from
Piti Village
(27.2 miles)
Depth: 130 km
Fais, Yap, Micronesia
6.7 magnitude earthquake
1935-10-18 11:05:26 UTC
at 11:05
October 18, 1935 UTC
Epicenter at 12.472, 141.343
312.2 km from
(194.2 miles)
Depth: 20 km
Fais, Yap, Micronesia
6.6 magnitude earthquake
2010-08-14 23:01:04 UTC
at 23:01
August 14, 2010 UTC
Epicenter at 12.273, 141.429
294.2 km from
(183.2 miles)
Depth: 13 km
Saipan, Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands
6.6 magnitude earthquake
2005-02-05 03:34:25 UTC
at 03:34
February 05, 2005 UTC
Epicenter at 16.011, 145.867
89.2 km from
(55.2 miles)
Depth: 142 km
Merizo Village, Merizo, Guam
6.6 magnitude earthquake
1971-10-23 22:33:32 UTC
at 22:33
October 23, 1971 UTC
Epicenter at 11.909, 142.531
276.2 km from
Merizo Village
(171.2 miles)
Depth: 21 km
San Jose Village, Tinian, Northern Mariana Islands
6.5 magnitude earthquake
2002-08-14 13:57:52 UTC
at 13:57
August 14, 2002 UTC
Epicenter at 14.101, 146.199
114.2 km from
San Jose Village
(71.2 miles)
Depth: 30 km
Saipan, Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands
6.5 magnitude earthquake
1993-06-06 13:23:20 UTC
at 13:23
June 06, 1993 UTC
Epicenter at 15.823, 146.595
112.2 km from
(69.2 miles)
Depth: 13 km
Yigo Village, Yigo, Guam
6.5 magnitude earthquake
1997-04-23 19:44:28 UTC
at 19:44
April 23, 1997 UTC
Epicenter at 13.986, 144.901
49.2 km from
Yigo Village
(30.2 miles)
Depth: 100 km
Merizo Village, Merizo, Guam
6.5 magnitude earthquake
1971-10-24 01:37:31 UTC
at 01:37
October 24, 1971 UTC
Epicenter at 11.929, 142.405
287.2 km from
Merizo Village
(178.2 miles)
Depth: 25 km
Yigo Village, Yigo, Guam
6.5 magnitude earthquake
1936-10-29 18:39:02 UTC
at 18:39
October 29, 1936 UTC
Epicenter at 13.794, 145.301
52.2 km from
Yigo Village
(32.2 miles)
Depth: 75 km
Inarajan Village, Inarajan, Guam
6.3 magnitude earthquake
2010-07-10 11:43:32 UTC
at 11:43
July 10, 2010 UTC
Epicenter at 11.143, 145.999
272.2 km from
Inarajan Village
(169.2 miles)
Depth: 13 km
Fais, Yap, Micronesia
6.3 magnitude earthquake
2010-08-18 16:28:15 UTC
at 16:28
August 18, 2010 UTC
Epicenter at 12.234, 141.514
293.2 km from
(182.2 miles)
Depth: 10 km
Yigo Village, Yigo, Guam
6.3 magnitude earthquake
2005-02-02 02:30:25 UTC
at 02:30
February 02, 2005 UTC
Epicenter at 14.08, 144.715
63.2 km from
Yigo Village
(39.2 miles)
Depth: 158 km
Saipan, Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands
6.3 magnitude earthquake
1990-04-06 14:57:20 UTC
at 14:57
April 06, 1990 UTC
Epicenter at 15.177, 147.596
197.2 km from
(122.2 miles)
Depth: 15 km
Fais, Yap, Micronesia
6.2 magnitude earthquake
2010-08-14 07:30:16 UTC
at 07:30
August 14, 2010 UTC
Epicenter at 12.348, 141.487
304.2 km from
(189.2 miles)
Depth: 10 km
Merizo Village, Merizo, Guam
6.2 magnitude earthquake
2000-12-19 13:11:47 UTC
at 13:11
December 19, 2000 UTC
Epicenter at 11.765, 144.76
166.2 km from
Merizo Village
(103.2 miles)
Depth: 33 km
Yigo Village, Yigo, Guam
6.2 magnitude earthquake
2000-02-26 08:11:48 UTC
at 08:11
February 26, 2000 UTC
Epicenter at 13.795, 144.782
30.2 km from
Yigo Village
(19.2 miles)
Depth: 132 km
Yigo Village, Yigo, Guam
6.2 magnitude earthquake
1993-08-11 14:17:37 UTC
at 14:17
August 11, 1993 UTC
Epicenter at 13.178, 145.651
91.2 km from
Yigo Village
(56.2 miles)
Depth: 21 km
Merizo Village, Merizo, Guam
6.2 magnitude earthquake
1970-03-04 03:30:35 UTC
at 03:30
March 04, 1970 UTC
Epicenter at 12.213, 143.847
146.2 km from
Merizo Village
(91.2 miles)
Depth: 20 km