Ecuador has had: (M1.5 or greater)

  • 1 earthquake in the past 24 hours
  • 2 earthquakes in the past 7 days
  • 8 earthquakes in the past 30 days
  • 73 earthquakes in the past 365 days

The largest earthquake in Ecuador:

1953-12-12 17:31:29 UTC 7.3 magnitude, 25 km depth
Zorritos, Tumbes, Peru
1997-10-28 06:15:17 UTC 7.2 magnitude, 112 km depth
Barranca, Loreto, Peru
1970-12-10 04:34:41 UTC 7.2 magnitude, 25 km depth
Papayal, Tumbes, Peru
2010-08-12 11:54:15 UTC 7.1 magnitude, 206 km depth
Tena, Napo, Ecuador
1991-04-05 04:19:49 UTC 7.1 magnitude, 19 km depth
Rioja, San Martín, Peru
1983-04-12 12:07:54 UTC 7.0 magnitude, 104 km depth
La Peca, Amazonas, Peru